When you’ve put a lot of effort into writing your blog posts, it can be difficult to lose them off the top page and awkward for visitors to your page to find and read them, unless of course, they found them through searching a specific topic in Google. So it is good to occasionally write a blog post review to search through your blog and find some of the highlights that may enjoy seeing the light of day again.
I have enjoyed searching through my blog and finding some of my highlights from recent years. Many of these were from a 30 day blogging challenge I undertook in 2016. Definitely think it’s time for another one!
In this blog post, I wrote about some of my favourite character names in novels and why I liked them.
2. My Top 10 Fictional Villains
What is a hero without a villain to try to foil them? These are some of my favourite villains, but I know there are many more.
3. Writing Prompts, Story, part 1 and Story part 2, and Editing a Story
I’m cheating here – there are actually 4 blog posts in one go: writing prompts and parts 1 and 2 of a story. I had fun creating this. Then I wrote a further blog post, explaining how I might edit the story, having read it back and analysed what I had written.
4. Procrastination and the Writer
This blog post was one of the most popular on my blog at one point. I think it chimes with most people who want to be writers.
5. 30 Ways to find Blog Post Ideas
For those days when procrastination is at its highest…
I love a story with a really good girl BFF in it and here are some of my favourites.
7. Ten of the Best Bromances in Fiction
You can’t leave the boys out! Here my top ten bromances in fiction too.