Day 10 30 Day Blogging Challenge – Writing Prompts

Old house on a hill by Rennett StoweA writing prompt is something that is designed to spark a story or poem in you. There are ideas all around us everyday, but it is important to tune your brain up in order to notice them. Writing is almost like a muscle – the more you use it, the better you get.

Today’s blog post is a writing prompt. Use the picture to spark a story, a poem, a piece of flash fiction, a song or whatever you want to write. If you do, then let me know in the comments. My writing will be posted here tomorrow.

Pick the one that speaks to you best:


The House on the Cliff


A girl sits on a cliff top all afternoon, staring out to sea. Who is the girl and what is her story?


A note is left tied to a bench on a cliff that overlooks the sea. What is the note and what is the story behind it?

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