Category: Enjoying Writing

  • Where to find story ideas

    Where to find story ideas

    Have you ever read a story and thought that it was amazing and that you could never do that?  Generating story ideas acts a little like a muscle – the more you use it, the easier it gets. Actively looking for story ideas can help you to generate more. You want to begin writing stories…

  • Start writing flash fiction

    Start writing flash fiction

    Flash fiction is a piece of fiction, usually under 1200 words. There are different definitions of flash fiction. Some writing contests may ask for a piece of flash fiction as short as 50 words. Others may use different word counts to define the term. For the purposes of this article, the definition is under 1200…

  • Blast through Writers’ Block by using Writing Prompts

    Blast through Writers’ Block by using Writing Prompts

    New Year, new goals.   Has the shine tarnished on your New Year resolutions already? Or have you decided that it is best to leave resolutions alone this year? After all, look at how last year turned out… If you have decided that THIS is the year that you are going to start writing again,…

  • Stronger Fiction: Should you write every day?

    Stronger Fiction: Should you write every day?

    One of those pieces of advice given out to every writer is: Write every day It is given out so often that we are in danger of feeling that we are not writers if we don’t write every day. What if you find it hard to find time to write every day, however? What if…

  • 7 retro blog posts you might like to check out

    7 retro blog posts you might like to check out

    When you’ve put a lot of effort into writing your blog posts, it can be difficult to lose them off the top page and awkward for visitors to your page to find and read them, unless of course, they found them through searching a specific topic in Google. So it is good to occasionally write…

  • The Writer vs the Blank Page

    The Writer vs the Blank Page

    “You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page.” (Jodie Piccoult) It can be tough settling down to work, but there is nothing worse, as a writer, than settling down to write, then realising that you don’t know what you want to say.…

  • Ten of the best Bromances in Fiction

    There’s something about a really good bromance that stirs the heart. Bromances have been a fiction winner ever since Jonathan & David way back in the time of Saul! These days we ship all kinds of bromances from TV series, books and films, but here are some of my favourite bromances from literature. Calvin &…

  • Four More Qualities of Successful Freelance Writers

    Some people just find writing hard work. The physical effort of putting pen to paper or fingers to keypad just does not do it for them. They are unsure that what they are doing is correct and they find the very act of writing a chore. Other writers love it. They enjoy the physical act…

  • Where Do Writers Write?

    Roald Dahl famously had a chair in a hut at the bottom of the garden where he wrote his wickedly funny stories. Ernest Hemmingway wrote standing up as did Victor Hugo, the creator of Frankenstein. Charles Dickens wrote at a desk that he was so attached to, that he had it shipped away on holiday…

  • Freelance Interview – Meet Anne Wayman of About Freelance

    Name: Anne Wayman Writer Alias (if you are willing to let us know) I use my own name How long have you been a writer? 30+ years Rough idea of where you live: San Diego Are your clients local, global or a mix? Mix What is the first piece of writing that you remember doing?…

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