Help for freelancer writers and bloggers: Blogs to check out
Freelancing can be lonely business: sitting at a desk, tapping away at a laptop, contact through email. Thank goodness for the internet which means that the company of other freelancers is only a short search away. There are some fantastic bloggers out there for the freelance community. There is lots of helpful information on just…
Writing a CV, online networking, avoiding scams and losing a freelance writing job – the best of the last 9 days of the 30 day blogging challenge
I had great fun taking part in the 30 day blogging challenge this year, writing about a number of different subjects and adding 30 posts to my blog. My new challenge is to carry on taking it forward and keeping it up to date. So in the spirit of this (after a few days off…
My transformation through 30 days’ blogging
30 days ago, I was not quite at the beginning of my 30 day blogging challenge. You see, it has taken my longer than 30 days to reach 30 posts. I was at Day 7, thirty days ago, but it has still been a transformation. I love writing, but producing content for my own blog…
How to put together an editorial calendar for bloggers
Since my first 30 day blogging challenge in 2016, I have used an editorial calendar. Different people may have different ideas of what constitutes an editorial calendar. I use a spreadsheet to store ideas for blog posts or other content so that I have a constant stream of ideas to use when I am trying…
How to connect with bloggers in your niche
First of all, I want to apologise for using the word, ‘niche’ in a heading! Getting a bit jargon-y there! A niche is simply a narrowed-down subject that you like to blog about. The narrower the better if you really want to know your subject well. I have just read the blogging challenge email where…
Freelancer Friday – What makes a readable blog post?
30 Day Blogging Challenge Day 5 Blog post visitors are tricky beasts! We are told that we have a very short time in which to grab their attention and persuade them to stay on the blog. How can you ensure that your blog visitors might be tempted to stay? When you are a freelancer, it…
7 Ways to Find that Next Blog Post
There are times when writing a blog comes so easily. Then there are times when it becomes more difficult. It seems that every subject that you want to write about, has been already covered many times before, by more esteemed writers, in such a better way than you could ever write. What’s the point? Surely,…