Tag: Blog

  • Help for freelancer writers and bloggers: Blogs to check out

    Help for freelancer writers and bloggers: Blogs to check out

    Freelancing can be lonely business: sitting at a desk, tapping away at a laptop, contact through email. Thank goodness for the internet which means that the company of other freelancers is only a short search away. There are some fantastic bloggers out there for the freelance community. There is lots of helpful information on just…

  • Book Review: The Accidental Gatekeeper by Carla Rehse

    Book Review: The Accidental Gatekeeper by Carla Rehse

    The Story: Everly Poppa is a 45 year old woman with a sassy teen daughter and a husband in jail. With no one else to turn to, she heads home to her Mom, despite having left her home town, years before, vowing never to return. Home is a small town in America that happens to…

  • Book Review: Dark Horses by Susan Mihalic

    Book Review: Dark Horses by Susan Mihalic

    Dark Horses by Susan Mihalic Thanks to Netgalley for proof copy The book cover has been changed since publication. This book is a rollercoaster of dark emotions, young romance, abuse and fierce ambition which makes for a gripping read. Horse Book I was drawn to this book because I loved horse books as a child…

  • Topically Challenged Volume 1 Out Now

    Topically Challenged Volume 1 Out Now

    I am published in an anthology! In a previous blog post, I mentioned that I enjoyed doing writing challenges. At the beginning of the year, I took part in two such challenges on Chris Fielden’s website and have now been published as part of a flash fiction anthology. I chose to take part for a…

  • Book Review: Self-Publish and Succeed

    Book Review: Self-Publish and Succeed

    Self-Publish and Succeed: The ‘No boring books’ way to write a non-fiction book that sells by Julie Broad Thanks to Netgalley for my preview copy of this book When reading a self-help book, it is always gratifying to see that the author has taken their own advice in the production of their book. Julie Broad…

  • Country Cat Blues Book Cover Reveal

    With thanks to Red Dog Press and author Alison O’Leary This week on the blog, I am excited to bring you the cover reveal of a book that is released next week. Country Cat Blues by Alison O’Leary will be available to buy on 23rd February 2021. It is the second book in the series,…

  • PixelScrapper – the Digital Way to Put a Photo Album Together

    PixelScrapper – the Digital Way to Put a Photo Album Together

    In the UK, we have all had to stay home more, thanks to Covid-19 but this has created more opportunities for creative hobbies. I have enjoyed reading more books, written more short stories and discovered how to make a digital scrapbook.                     I was looking for…

  • Business Owner – How to Improve your Website

    Business Owner – How to Improve your Website

    Have you been thinking that it’s time to improve your website? It’s been years since you did anything with your business website. The About information is out of date and the last blog post is dated 2018. Perhaps you have some products that you should add, but you never seem to have any time. The…

  • Stronger Fiction: Should you write every day?

    Stronger Fiction: Should you write every day?

    One of those pieces of advice given out to every writer is: Write every day It is given out so often that we are in danger of feeling that we are not writers if we don’t write every day. What if you find it hard to find time to write every day, however? What if…

  • Maintaining Mental Health as a Freelancer

    Maintaining Mental Health as a Freelancer

    My mental health is very volatile at the moment. One moment I am calm and enjoying the peace, the next, I am feeling sad, then angry in a never-ending circle. Mental health is a very important issue right now because of the unusual times we are currently living in. Pandemics happen approximately once every 100…

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