10 tips to working from home when you’re used to being in the office
Many people are finding themselves working from home for the first time in a long time, or even ever! Adjusting to this situation, which has occurred very quickly could take some work. The children may be home from school and your partner may also be around more. There could be a lot of distractions, but…
10 Facts that China have shared with the World about Coronavirus so far
The Chinese government have shared a document that explains what first happened when coronavirus or COVID-19 was discovered as a rapidly transmittable disease back in December 2019. They shared the lessons they learned and compared the disease to two outbreaks of virus that have happened within living memory: SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) in 2002-3…
Blogs Interrupted
UK March 2020 Day 14 30 Day Blogging Challenge Things have gone quiet round here. I’m still hoping to publish 30 blogs, but not in 30 days. The world seems to have gone mad: university students are being sent home, IT people are being told to work from home, schools are shutting and everyone is…
Is there ever a time when a freelancer should work for free?
I came across a job website tonight and read their information on becoming a freelancer. I was shocked to see that they advocated taking a first job and doing the work for free. I am a firm believer that at no point should a freelancer ever work for free. Nor do I believe that they…
Origins of the English Language: where did the words ‘ business’, ‘writer’ and ‘freelance’ originate?
Finding out the original meaning and origin or etymology of common words is fascinating if you enjoy playing around with language. The language we know as English has developed and evolved over centuries, taking into account the languages and words of immigrants and conquerors until it became the language it is today. It is still…
Breakfast, not late night snacks, hold the key to managing your weight
Do you eat breakfast? Or do you eat late at night? When you eat your food could be the key to enabling you to manage your weight more effectively. A team of scientists conducted a study to see if the timing of meals mattered when people were trying to manage their weight. They wrote about…
Freelancer Friday – What makes a readable blog post?
30 Day Blogging Challenge Day 5 Blog post visitors are tricky beasts! We are told that we have a very short time in which to grab their attention and persuade them to stay on the blog. How can you ensure that your blog visitors might be tempted to stay? When you are a freelancer, it…
Should you use Free Business Search Engines for your Small Business
30 Day Blogging Challenge Day 4 There are lots of free business search engines around. Many have been going for years. They often offer a basic free listing, which can offer improved visibility if you decide to pay for their service. How do you know if their paid-for service is any good and how can…