Tag: writer

  • Freelance Interview with Sarah Arrow of Sark e-Media

    Sarah Arrow of Sark -Media has agreed to be my next interviewee. I hope you enjoy her answers as much as I did. Name: Sarah Arrow Writer Alias (if you are willing to let us know) I have several, including Sarah Stanton, Danielle Stanton, Danielle Field and few others that I’d rather not mention. How…

  • Freelance Interview – Meet Anne Wayman of About Freelance Writing.com

    Name: Anne Wayman Writer Alias (if you are willing to let us know) I use my own name How long have you been a writer? 30+ years Rough idea of where you live: San Diego Are your clients local, global or a mix? Mix What is the first piece of writing that you remember doing?…

  • Why Have a Guest Blog?

    Guest blog posts are becoming more popular as the demand for website content grows. Introducing a blog to your website can help increase your traffic and bring more customers to your business, but maintaining a blog can be hard work. It can be difficult to constantly think of fresh ideas and easy to put off…

  • Book Review – Creative Writing: The Essential Guide by Tim Atkinson

    Published by Need2Know Thinking of starting a career in creative writing? Then this book might be for you. It is easy reading and at just over 100 pages, not too long. As an introduction to the world of creative writing, this book works well. The author writes with a light touch and self-deprecating humour, and…

  • What to Do with Your Business When Life Gets in the Way

    It’s been a while since I posted. We’ve had Easter Holidays and a Royal Wedding in the UK. Then our family had a French student for a week, a week in Guernsey then two weeks of working frantically to catch a deadline or two. It’s been a busy time and this blog has suffered as…

  • SEO Basics – Choosing Your Keyword Phrases

    Keyword phrases help to define your blog and explain to the search engines what your blog is all about. If you want to lift your blog above others in the same subject, then it is important to get your keyword phrases right so that when customers search for a subject, then your blog is the…

  • Defining the Words You Use 2

    Words are the tools of a writer’s trade. It can sometimes be helpful to know more about your trade in order to improve your work.

  • Copyright

    Copyright laws can be strange and complex – there have been a few famous authors taken to court accused of stealing their story from another book – but the point made is serious. You can be sued for wrongfully using another person’s work.

  • How to Tell if Your Writing is Good

    You’ve written a story. It may have flowed easily from your pen, or it may have come in fits and starts. You have got it in front of you: on a laptop, a notebook or a piece of paper. Now what?

  • What Do You Write About?

    Every piece of writing helps to build your confidence and if it is accepted by others, then that confidence is worth it.

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