Crazy Business Ideas

A golf ball directly before the hole
Image via Wikipedia

The thread at UKBusiness Forums started me thinking – how many crazy business ideas have been started and were they successful? The answers on the forum varied from:
‘Give me a million and I’ll tell you’


‘Sell an E-book on ‘How to Make a Million’ for £5 to 200,000 people’

but it sent me searching for the most crazy ideas I could find. Here they are:


Honestly! Imagine limiting yourself to 140 characters! Who would have thought…

Dry cleaning ATM – post it in and get it out clean

They patented it but it never took off. I wonder why? Could be a winner at airports and hotels…!

Beer flavoured ice cream

Self-explanatory. Launched last year by a Yorkshire company. I think it was probably a hit!

Glow in the dark golf balls

The inventor of these is now a millionaire!

Dog Wash (as opposed to car wash)

I thought I had seen everything, but apparently not! Poor dog!

Jelly fish art

This sounds oddly calming and soothing – it could work, but is it cruel to jellyfish?

Apparently there are many crazy business ideas out there and who is to say that they won’t work? The fact is that when you have a business idea, write it down, think about it for while and plan it out. The craziest ideas just might make you the most money.


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