2024 wrap up and 2025 goals
I have begun this new year by documenting the writing goals I have achieved. Looking back and comparing where you are at the end of this year can help you work out what you want to achieve the following year. Last year, I aimed to rewrite and publish a novella that I had worked on…
Bear with! This website is being upgraded to a new theme and with new features. Some of these may take a while to settle while others may appear and disappear at will. I have worked with the old theme for a long time and it was not doing everything I wanted it to do. I…
What to do when your freelance business seems stuck in a rut
Ever felt like your freelance business is stuck in a rut? There seems to be no new work coming in, you don’t seem able to move forward with your work, or find any new clients. Perhaps you have been working for the same clients for some years and it’s feeling stale. You want to move…