Category: Blog

  • 2024 wrap up and 2025 goals

    2024 wrap up and 2025 goals

    I have begun this new year by documenting the writing goals I have achieved. Looking back and comparing where you are at the end of this year can help you work out what you want to achieve the following year. Last year, I aimed to rewrite and publish a novella that I had worked on…

  • Start writing flash fiction

    Start writing flash fiction

    Flash fiction is a piece of fiction, usually under 1200 words. There are different definitions of flash fiction. Some writing contests may ask for a piece of flash fiction as short as 50 words. Others may use different word counts to define the term. For the purposes of this article, the definition is under 1200…

  • Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes


    Bear with! This website is being upgraded to a new theme and with new features. Some of these may take a while to settle while others may appear and disappear at will. I have worked with the old theme for a long time and it was not doing everything I wanted it to do. I…

  • Topically Challenged Volume 1 Out Now

    Topically Challenged Volume 1 Out Now

    I am published in an anthology! In a previous blog post, I mentioned that I enjoyed doing writing challenges. At the beginning of the year, I took part in two such challenges on Chris Fielden’s website and have now been published as part of a flash fiction anthology. I chose to take part for a…

  • Writer – do you plan or fly by the seat of your pants?

    Writer – do you plan or fly by the seat of your pants?

    For whatever reason you write, there are usually at least two broad ways to do it. Either you are a planner – someone who plans what they are going to write or you are a pantser. This means someone who is flying by the seat of their pants, or someone who has no plan, they…

  • Country Cat Blues Blog Tour and Book Review

    With thanks to Red Dog Press and Alison O’Leary Synopsis Country Cat Blues is the second book of a series about Aubrey, a former street cat who has taken to solving crime. You can read about Aubrey’s first adventure in Street Cat Blues.           Synopsis For the second book, Aubrey moves…

  • Country Cat Blues Book Cover Reveal

    With thanks to Red Dog Press and author Alison O’Leary This week on the blog, I am excited to bring you the cover reveal of a book that is released next week. Country Cat Blues by Alison O’Leary will be available to buy on 23rd February 2021. It is the second book in the series,…

  • PixelScrapper – the Digital Way to Put a Photo Album Together

    PixelScrapper – the Digital Way to Put a Photo Album Together

    In the UK, we have all had to stay home more, thanks to Covid-19 but this has created more opportunities for creative hobbies. I have enjoyed reading more books, written more short stories and discovered how to make a digital scrapbook.                     I was looking for…

  • Do you enjoy writing book reviews? Try NetGalley

    Do you enjoy writing book reviews? Try NetGalley

    I have always enjoyed reading books. I am a member of a local book club and we meet up monthly to review and discuss books we have read. Reading a variety of books and authors is a really good way to improve your own writing. An author whose blog I follow, mentioned NetGalley, so I…

  • What to do when your freelance business seems stuck in a rut

    Ever felt like your freelance business is stuck in a rut? There seems to be no new work coming in, you don’t seem able to move forward with your work, or find any new clients. Perhaps you have been working for the same clients for some years and it’s feeling stale. You want to move…

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