The definition of a mobile website is one that can be viewed successfully by a mobile phone. Information or retail websites can increase their success by optimising for both Apple and Android mobile phones.
The use of mobile phones to surf the internet and look for information continues to increase and business websites need to update their websites in order to ensure that they do not lose customers to websites that are ahead of the curve and have already ensured that they look good on a smaller screen.
If you have a WordPress blog, then you can find a variety of plug-ins that will do the job for you. Some are as simple as installing the plug-in and it will automatically detect what kind of browser is viewing your website and adjust the image accordingly. If you are looking for something a little more customised, then some of the plug-ins come with the ability to choose your colours so that they will link to your usual website look.
It is even more important for e-commerce websites to ensure that they can be viewed by a mobile phone. The main use of a phone is to compare prices of products and your cheaper price may ensure that you get that sale. If, however, your product pictures are too small or your website too intricate to navigate then the customer is going to go elsewhere.
The features of a good mobile website include:
- Clear easy to read font which will be big enough to read without squinting at a smaller screen
- Large product pictures and easy to find pricing
- Search facility
- Back or Home button
- Simple structure which enables the customer to navigate the website easily
- As few clicks as possible to actually buy the product
If your website is designed by a web designer, then ask them to design you a mobile version of the website. Some programmes will automatically recognise that the browser is a mobile phone while others require that the visitor select the right version of the website. Make sure that your website is optimised for both Android phones and the iPhone. You might also want to consider how your website will look on a tablet computer as these are becoming more popular and create different ways of viewing websites.
Putting some thought into how users view your website can help to increase your traffic and convert visitors that are already finding your website. Catering for a wide range of browser traffic can only bring good results for your business.
Photo Link: Photo on Creative Commons by Serv
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