If you have been on the Internet for any length of time at all, then you will have heard of SEO or Search Engine Optimisation. What is it and what can it do for you?
Optimising your website for search engines simply means choosing the right language to enable search engines to categorise your website correctly.
It is no good writing about what you had for breakfast on a business writing blog. That will confuse the algorithms of the search engines and ensure that your website does not appear in the correct search results. Writing about what you had for breakfast on a food blog, would however give correct results.
If you hope to produce good search results for your website, then choose a name that reflects its purpose. Putting keywords in the name will help it to rise higher in the searches. You may have to play around with it in order to find a name that nobody out there has chosen. Using the right keywords in the name of your website will also make it more memorable. Remember that you can use dashes, popular abbreviations or slang terms to help you find the right name.
However do not use slang terms or incorrect spelling if you are putting together a writing site. It gives the wrong impression to a visitor to your site and does not give a good account of your writing ability.
Check out how your name will look when it is run together as an url. There are some very funny examples out on the Internet of companies that have unintentionally set up a name that reads completely differently when run together. Beware of hidden words that can appear in this way.
The best way to counteract this is to ask someone else to check it out for you. Also watch out for unfortunate acronyms and initials that may mean something different to your original intention!
Take your time to get the right name for your business blog and it will be worth it in the long term.
Photo Link: 3D Character and Question Mark
One response to “Choosing the Right Name for Your Blog”
[…] up your new blog is easy. You need to name your blog and this may be hard at first, finding a name which has not been already taken. Keep in mind […]