Writing Business Letters
In this day and age of internet, it seems that the old fashioned way of writing letters is finished. Why should you learn to format a letter when email is the primary form of communication? The answer is simple: it looks so much more professional when you learn to write a letter correctly and the…
How to Write Good Copy – Landing Pages
A landing page is where an advertising link should lead when it has been clicked. Your landing page should not be the same as your homepage. Your landing page should be designed to induce visitors to become customers in as few clicks as possible. Here are my top five tips for a landing page: 1.…
A Guide to Using Apostrophes Correctly Part 2
In the last article, we talked about apostrophes and the ways that they could alter meaning. To read back what was said, click on the article title: A Guide to Using Apostrophes Correctly Part 1. The other main way that apostrophes are used is when two words are contracted to form a new word. Don’t…
Do You spam? There is another way to promote your website.
Not a day goes by that I don’t get some tempting offer to buy some little blue pills. Or I might get a comment that sounds legitimate, but it has been posted 20 times by different people. Some comments also seem OK, but when you click on the link (or even just read the url)…
Why Do I Need Search Engine Optimization?
Search Engine Optimization or SEO has been a buzzword among internet communities for some time. If you own a company website, or even just a blog that you are hoping to promote and bring new readers to, then you need to know about search engine optimization. It all comes down to search engines and to…
Style Guide – A Guide to Using Apostrophes Correctly (Part 1)
I saw a question on a writers’ forum the other day. It read: ‘Is it time to abolish apostrophes completely?’ I can understand the writer’s frustration. Apostrophes are one piece of punctuation that it is very easy to get wrong – as demonstrated regularly on pub notices round where I live. Yet in the opening…
Which Do You Choose – Directory or Web-Based Advertising
It’s a new year and you have a limited marketing budget earmarked until the end of the financial year. You know that you want to promote your company to the widest audience possible and you are determined to spend wisely. You have a number of choices – which way do you go? Phone Directory Advertising…
Five Ways that Writing can Help Market Your Business in 2011
It’s a new year and thoughts turn to how your business can bring some more business through the door. Marketing is the lifeblood of any business, yet it can be overlooked and ignored as more important issues such as paying bills and sorting out tax returns loom. Yet if you are not actively looking for…