Assessing Your Writing Goals
It is not enough to write your writing goals down. It’s a good start. You’ve given the matter some thought. Now you need to think it through a bit more.
Writing Goals for 2010
I am a writer. I have known that as long as I can remember. I wrote sketches and songs while at school. I wrote stories in English classes that went on for pages and pages. It’s not work to me because I love writing.
So You Want to Earn Money From Your Writing?
Many people have the dream of becoming a writer, but how do you start? Perhaps we need to begin with an honest appraisal of what our skills are, and whether people would be willing to pay for them.
The Creative Writer
Welcome to The Creative Writer. This website and blog aims to inform writers about the wide range of resources available to them, both on the web and from other sources. If you are a writer, do stop by, browse the articles and stop to comment. Look forward to hearing from you.
New Writers’ Website Launched
<meta name=”google-site-verification” content=”-HGSJbxPQ6H3aT3wpMOBWdSK_BgRdE03c_K3TY60W_4″ /> Welcome to the inaugural page of The Creative Writer. I hope to build a fantastic writers’ resource for both UK-based writers and those working more globally. I can’t do this without you, so do stop by and tell me what you think – preferably politely! There are lots of resources out…