Five years ago, I created a post which asked, so – what exactly do you do?
It came about through a challenge posted by Naomi Dunford of Itty Biz who had been asked by a reader of her blog, “So, what do you actually do?” It made her stop and think about what she actually did, and more importantly whether her website actually reflected what she actually did.
Did her website truly reflect her business or did she need to spell it out more clearly? These are the questions she asked herself and I am going to ask myself the same questions here:
What is your game? What do you do?
I am first and foremost a writer. I love playing with words, using words and discovering words. During my time as a writer, I have written newsletters, articles on diverse topics such as Northern Lights tours and marble and granite, not to mention 50 articles on car mats! I love researching a new topic and learning about something different. I enjoy a challenge and I love it when I have a new assignment.
I also enjoy writing short stories, I have been known to write (very secret) poetry and I have written a terrible novel which was written during NaNoWriMo one year. There is just one published copy which will never see the light of day again! (Evil cackling)
I have also done some proofreading and edited a book.
Why do you do it? Do you love it, or do you just have one of those creepy knacks?
Writing is not easy work. That’s the first thing I would say, however I find it enjoyable. I have known some people who just can’t bear writing. I must confess to having a creepy knack with spelling – I can usually tell if a word is spelt correctly. I also can remember all those names for parts of a sentence which everyone else seems to have forgotten since they left school – nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs etc. Handy for school homework!
Who are your customers? What kind of people would need or want what you offer?
I have met people who hate writing so I am an obvious match for someone like that. I have worked with small business owners, a London marketing agency and a local charity as well as a growing business. There are a lot of people looking for content these days because they have been told that it is essential for their business. It is, but not the cheap, churned out stuff that you can buy for peanuts. The kind of content that works is tailored to the individual business and offers valuable and interesting information rather than just the same stuff that everyone else is churning out.
What’s your marketing USP (Unique Selling Point)? Why should I buy from you instead of the other losers?
Everyone thinks they can write, but do people want to read it? I look for the story behind the article and use it to create unique articles and blog posts that will encourage people to read on. Why should you buy from me? You don’t have to if you don’t think we are a good fit.
What’s next for you? What’s the big plan?
I am currently researching a period of history and plotting out a history novel. As for the creative writing – I am always looking forward to the next challenge.
If you are a business blog and these questions appeal to you, why not try answering something similar yourself. Make sure that people understand what you do and why you do it.
Comment below if you decide to follow this through.