Day 15: 30 Day Blogging Challenge – Editing a Story – Characters
On days 11 and 12 I published two halves of a story. This story was written for the purpose of showing you what I do when I edit. I have deliberately published a first draft, with very little editing apart from immediately spotting spelling mistakes etc so that you can see how it will change…
Day 11: 30 Day Blogging Challenge: A Story, Part 1
The Old House on the Hill The estate agent turned the key in the lock. The key was large, wrought iron and it took her two goes to turn it. The heavy lock clicked open. The woman, smart and professional, pushed open the door. It swept two months of mail to one side as it…
Day 10 30 Day Blogging Challenge – Writing Prompts
A writing prompt is something that is designed to spark a story or poem in you. There are ideas all around us everyday, but it is important to tune your brain up in order to notice them. Writing is almost like a muscle – the more you use it, the better you get. Today’s blog…