It’s a new year and thoughts turn to how your business can bring some more business through the door. Marketing is the lifeblood of any business, yet it can be overlooked and ignored as more important issues such as paying bills and sorting out tax returns loom. Yet if you are not actively looking for more clients, then how will your business keep going once you get past this busy period? A thriving business will need to keep new clients coming through the door.
Here are five ways that you can market your business this year.
1. Maintain your company website. If you have managed to beat off your competitors and achieve success on moving up the Google ranks, last year, then build on your success and keep adding new and relevant information to your website. Post news daily or weekly, add a newsletter and use videos or pictures to help convey your information. Keeping your company website to the fore of search engine information will help to bring new clients to you.
2. Add subscribers to your website and mail round a newsletter. There are free newsletter services such as mailchimp to help you set this up. Keeping in contact with both old and new clients will help you market your services effectively.
3. Twitter. Do you tweet? Twitter is not only for social interaction, but many people use it to market themselves. Search for people in your line of business and start following them. Some will follow you back. Use your tweets to share news about your business in general, interesting blog posts and helpful information. There are also business websites that promote watercooler type chatter among business owners which can be a great way to meet people and network.
4. Rework your company promotional material. Are your leaflets looking lifeless? Do your brochures look boring? It may be time for an overhaul. If you use promotional literature regularly to promote your business and you find that it brings new business in, then it is worth bringing it up to date. Fresh graphics and photographs can enhance your paperwork and attract new clients. Once you have given it out, you never know who will find it next.
5. Use your local press. If your company has done a great job, then send a press release to your local paper. Have you won an award or has your company done a great job for a charity? Use these events to promote your company and get it in the local paper, preferably with a nice photo. Look out for opportunities to help local schools and give back to the community. Find a link with the local newspaper and use it regularly to promote reader awareness of your company.
How have you managed to promote your company this year? Have you used any of these methods and have they worked for you? Some of these ideas may seem quite simple, but making a resolution to actively market your company in the coming year can only bring better results.
Photo Link & Credit: New Year’s Resolutions by abakedcreation