Choosing the Content to Put on Your Blog

Used under a Creative Commons Licence by Svilen Milev
Photo used under Creative Commons Licence and credited to Svilen Milev

You’ve chosen a host for your blog, a domain name and hopefully by this stage, you know what your blog is going to be about.

Now it’s time to set up your blog so that it will be readable and easily accessible to visitors to your website. If you have a business blog, then you will want contact details, details of the services or products you offer and other information that customers may need to know.

Here are some of the pages that you may wish to consider adding to your blog:

About – This can be about you and your business. Consider carefully  what information you wish to put on there.

Portfolio – if you are offering services, then this is a good indication of what kinds of things you have been working on.

Services – Explaining exactly what it is that you do. Bear in mind Naomi Dunford’s post and ensure that your customers are left in no doubt as to what you can offer them.

Contact – This is one of the most important things a business blog can offer – a way for your potential customers to contact you.

Don’t forget to add RSS feed and Twitter details if these are ways that your customers can get in touch. It is possible to set up different Twitter accounts to keep personal and professional tweets separate.

There are other things you can add, like Ebooks or information pages, links and other subjects that are personal to you and your business. Make sure that these pages are a professional representation of you and your business so that potential clients get a true picture of what you can offer them.

It is tempting when you are just starting out to put everything on one blog, but what may suit your purpose better is to keep blogs true to their one purpose. Business blogs are better suited to being about business matters and it is not appropriate to put personal matter on there. If you wish to blog about personal things, even if they are related to your business, then you are better to set up a separate blog to avoid confusion.

Posting regularly to your blog is the best way to begin to get it known, so decide how often you want to post to your blog and try to stick to it. Many bloggers aim for two or three times a week; others try and write every day.

One thing to be aware of is that it takes time to build up a loyal following to a blog: this is not something that will happen overnight. Regular posting will help to establish that this blog is live and current and will encourage repeat visitors to check out the new content.

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