Link love that is!
Building a blog like this from scratch is harder than you’d think. It’s not just a case of setting it up and waiting for the knocking to begin on your door.
If you write it, they will come.
Unfortunately not necessarily true!
For a long time, it feels like you’re writing into a void. The posts are going up, but it seems that no one is reading them, well no one obvious anyway. You don’t even rank for your domain name so not even Google has found you yet, so how do you expect anyone else to?
Well, I’m certainly not up there in the big blogs. Not yet. Am I giving up?
Not on your Nelly!
Behind the scenes, I’m commenting on relevant blogs with (hopefully) insightful comments, I’m on the hunt for like-minded individuals who are also searching for a pack and I’m regularly adding new posts.
I’m also adding time. The blog needs to get older, be here a while and be filled with useful information.
I can wait while you find me. If you want to join me and for me to visit you, let me know in the comments below.
Photo Link: Pretty Pink and Green