Tag: reading

  • Country Cat Blues Book Cover Reveal

    With thanks to Red Dog Press and author Alison O’Leary This week on the blog, I am excited to bring you the cover reveal of a book that is released next week. Country Cat Blues by Alison O’Leary will be available to buy on 23rd February 2021. It is the second book in the series,…

  • Book Review: Mamaji by Elisheba Haqq

    Book Review: Mamaji by Elisheba Haqq

    Release date: October 2020 Mamaji  by Elisheba Haqq, is a sometimes heartbreaking, but ultimately uplifting memoir about self-discovery and a child’s journey from babyhood to being an adult without the guiding influence of a mother. The loss of her mother at 3 years old provides a poignant counterpoint to the love and laughter that fills…

  • Do you enjoy writing book reviews? Try NetGalley

    Do you enjoy writing book reviews? Try NetGalley

    I have always enjoyed reading books. I am a member of a local book club and we meet up monthly to review and discuss books we have read. Reading a variety of books and authors is a really good way to improve your own writing. An author whose blog I follow, mentioned NetGalley, so I…

  • Check out an Independent Book Shop during the Lockdown

    Check out an Independent Book Shop during the Lockdown

    This blog post was inspired by a Twitter chat this morning all about helping out independent bookshops. Here is a link to the amazing chat: https://twitter.com/RobGMacfarlane/status/1253073923916402689 although you will have to have an account with Twitter to see it. I know that Twitter can be toxic, but I also really enjoy hanging out there with…

  • Stronger Fiction: Should you write what you know or know what you write?

    Stronger Fiction: Should you write what you know or know what you write?

    One of the oldest pieces of advice for people who want to write fiction is that they should “write what they know’. This sage piece of wisdom is passed down from teachers to young pupils, from tutors to college students and in many creative writing classes. Yet, what does it actually mean? And is it…

  • Ten of the best Bromances in Fiction

    There’s something about a really good bromance that stirs the heart. Bromances have been a fiction winner ever since Jonathan & David way back in the time of Saul! These days we ship all kinds of bromances from TV series, books and films, but here are some of my favourite bromances from literature. Calvin &…

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