Whenever there are tough times, some businesses will still thrive. Even in the banking crisis of 2008-9, some businesses were able to survive and even find ways to grow during that time.
If that seemed like an unprecedented time, then this time is more so. Thanks to Coronavirus, people are staying home, children are working from home, people who were considered the lowest in society are now raised up – all this is so new. Yet there is still a need to earn and make a living.
I have noticed that some businesses are doing better than others. Businesses that already had an online model are selling more. Look at Joe Wicks – from body coach to the nation’s PE teacher. Some normal people have found that what they do is interesting to others – my son’s Hospitality & Catering teacher is doing ‘how to’ cooking videos and they have been a great success. Supermarket deliveries have really taken off and the shops have been recruiting lots of shop workers to help fulfil those deliveries, while footfall is limited or down.
Here are some industries that are on the rise:
Craft businesses
Those businesses that can produce ‘how to’ videos and link it to an online shop are doing really well. People are looking for time away from screens and taking up a craft or hobby can help fill the long hours at home. Some companies are still able to post out resources and kits. Creativity releases feel-good hormones in the brain, and some people are using their hobby to create PPE for health workers, for example face masks. Some of the businesses that I have found include:
Paper sculpture from Flamingo Paperie. Make a sloth, a unicorn head, a pug or a llama 3D paper model
Instagram: @mycrochetplace offers free patterns and patterns for sale on Etsy for people who crochet
The Stitchery is a physical shop that offers online ordering. This quirky website is designed for people who are looking for sewing supplies.
The Little Crafty Bugs sell kids’ and adults’ craft supply kits including bulk orders and party supplies
These are just a few businesses – check out Facebook for your area and see who you can find. Local businesses often prefer to deliver locally.
Sending Cards
Home delivery businesses are doing really well. Particularly places that allow you to create cards and send parcels and packages as presents to save people going out. They also help you to stay in touch with friends and family. These include MoonPig, Funky Pigeon and some photo companies.
Work Out Videos
Workout videos that you can follow at home have become popular. The clever companies will make some content free and some available to subscribers, or sell kit to go alongside the videos. The need to exercise is very important and the weather is not always good enough to go for a walk outside.
Farm and small shop deliveries.
Our local refill shop has been doing great business locally. They have had supplies of pasta and flour when the bigger supermarkets did not. There has also been a surge in the ability to order from local farm shops, butchers and similar shops. Sometimes smaller is better.
Switching to making PPE
Companies making PPE or personal protective equipment in response to the Coronavirus have also been doing well. I have seen those trusts that need PPE reaching out to companies to make more. Local people who have access to 3D printers have crowd-funded and created visors to help protect NHS staff. Small sewing places have been making face masks – a shop local to me has made over 1000. They have donated to NHS staff and carers and sold them to members of the public. Larger companies have changed their whole way of working and started to make things like hand wash, protective gowns and face masks as well as ventilators.
Cooked Meal deliveries
Ordering a cooked meal is still possible. Some local pubs have turned to delivering cooked meals and it is still possible to order food from Just Eat or Deliveroo. However at busy times, you can be left waiting for a long time for your meal, as I know from personal experience.
Streaming Services
Demand for streaming services has never been higher with people having to stay home. Netflix has reported record levels of people joining their service and Disney+ chose a great time to launch. However, these levels are not sustainable and numbers will return to normal levels once lockdown eases.
Business Coaches
It’s a good time to reflect on what you have been doing with your life so far and to look into changing direction. I would never recommend picking a business coach out of a search engine. Find someone who resonates with your values, follow them for a while, join their list and check them out. Sometimes they offer free tasters. Commit your money and time to someone who can help you reach your goals.
Time to re-skill yourself. There are lots of companies offering courses cheap or for free at the moment. If you are working in a digital environment, I would always recommend starting with Google Digital Garage which are courses offered free of charge. Again, if you are considering taking someone else’s course, then check them out, take your time and only commit if you consider it is worth it.
Have you found any really good businesses that people should know about during this Coronavirus lockdown? Let us know in the comments below.