Category: 30 Blog Writing Challenge

  • Day 8: 30 Day Blogging Challenge Review Week 1

    I have blogged for 7 days straight and it’s been tough, but I’ve managed it. It’s been an interesting experience so far and I have learned a lot. I began this challenge by working out some idea of the kinds of posts that I could do for the blog. My posts, however have gone in…

  • My Top 10 Fictional Villains

    We love to hate the villains in the fiction we read and in the films that we watch. These days, villains can be multi-faceted and are not necessarily all evil. Here is my top 10 villains: 10. Lucius Malfoy – I love Malfoy senior’s name from the Harry Potter books. Lucius is reminiscent of Lucifer…

  • Great Hero Character Names

    Naming characters can be very problematic as an author. Some of the cleverest names have come from the author playing with words and enabling the name to reflect the character. Here are some of my favourites and why I like them so much. Heroes of stories don’t always have heroic names. Harry Potter immediately comes…

  • Day 5 – Embarrassing Writing – Need to Keep My Work Secret

    I want to talk about something that I touched on yesterday in more detail today and that subject is: embarrassing writing. It’s something that I suffer from quite a lot. I am probably going to find that it is just me, and that everyone else is loud and proud about the fact they write, but…

  • Day 4 (30 Day Blogging Challenge) Plot Your Novel

    There are several schools of thought when it comes to plotting out a novel. The first one is: don’t plot your novel! For some people, the very act of sitting down and working out what the story is going to be about and the twists and turns of the novel takes away from the experience…

  • Five Tips to Finding your Freelance Writing Style

    “A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit.” Richard Bach The internet has opened up a lot of opportunity to writers to earn money from freelance writing. The beauty of freelance is that you don’t have to give up your day job and dive straight in, but that you can use your spare time…

  • 30 Day Blogging Challenge Day 2: Q & A

    Five years ago, I created a post which asked, so – what exactly do you do? It came about through a challenge posted by Naomi Dunford of Itty Biz who had been asked by a reader of her blog, “So, what do you actually do?” It made her stop and think about what she actually…

  • 30 Day Blogging Challenge -Day 1

    When I interviewed Sarah Arrow of Sark e-Media for this blog last year, I was impressed by her 30 day blogging challenge. The idea is to blog for 30 consecutive days – something I have not tried before. I kept coming back to the idea, but the time never seemed right. Now, in February 2016,…

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